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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Case studies|":


Rubin, Maraci. „The passive in adolescents with Down syndrome: a case study“. Down Syndrome Research and Practice 11, Nr. 2 (2006): 88–96.

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Sutor, Bruce, Mark Hansen und John Black. „Obsessive Compulsive Disorder treatment in patients with Down syndrome: A case series“. Down Syndrome Research and Practice 10, Nr. 1 (2006): 1–3.

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Havlíček, J., J. Hron und I. Tichá. „Knowledge based case studies “. Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 52, No. 12 (17.02.2012): 545–51.

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In the present development of a knowledge society and with the increasing impact of knowledge on economic growth, case studies have become vehicles of knowledge which can both store and transfer it. Knowledge based case studies describe the best practices as well as solutions of complex problems. Knowledge in case studies is described in both written and symbolic form. The content and form of knowledge based case studies should be in mutual equilibrium. Knowledge based case studies are both descriptions of methods and algorithms as well as narratives. As narratives, they should have a relevant literary quality. Case studies can involve mass media into their structure and use simulation techniques as well as techniques of entrepreneurial games. Case studies can thus be both dynamic and flexible. Users can personally influence the behaviour and evolution of the process. They can choose their role in the process and can also change it whilst performing the solution. Social, cultural and traditional values are respected during all steps leading to solutions of problems. Ecological aspects and conditions of sustainable development are taken into account when solutions are analysed, recommended and accepted. Case studies present the best practices which enable users to provide benchmarking examples of their own solutions. Data bases of case studies should provide more dimensions containing descriptors which characterize the studies. In the following article, six descriptors will be recommended: domains, objectives, critical success factors, indicators, the best practices explanations and case characteristics. These enable to sort out, categorize, classify and stratify studies in a data base and are helpful in assessing their quality. A vertical structure of the data base facilitates classification and ordering of studies according to subject areas. A horizontal structure of the database enables classification of case studies from the user point of view.  

Šilha, J., P. Hamouz, V. Táborský, K. Štípek, J. Šnobl, K. Voříšek, L. Růžek, L. Brodský und K. Švec. „Case studies for precision agriculture“. Plant Protection Science 38, SI 2 - 6th Conf EFPP 2002 (31.12.2017): 704–10.

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The results of spatial variability of plant-available soil nutrients (P, K, Mg) and soil pH are described in this paper. Experiment was realized on the field of area 72 ha (orthic luvisol), located in the area of Český Brod. The use of coefficient of variation as a criterion of variability of soil agrochemical properties and yield on the field showed the following: the highest variability was observed in available P, the second highest variability was in available K, and the lowest variability of main non-mobile nutrients was in the available Mg. Soil pH was the lowest of all measured soil properties. Although the highest correlation coefficient between the soil available P content and soil pH was established, the process of spatial dependence was not detected. Detailed field scouting and others data can be important elements, as can complex decision rules, taking into account additional factors such as the characteristics of crop protection agents and preferences of the farm manager. This paper illustrates, how to plant nutritions, crop protection, crop production might be integrated to support these diseases and weeds management decisions.

de Graaf, Erik. „Learning to read at an early age: Case study of a Dutch boy“. Down Syndrome Research and Practice 1, Nr. 2 (1993): 87–90.

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Brown, Roy, Janet Taylor und Brian Matthews. „Quality of life - Ageing and Down syndrome“. Down Syndrome Research and Practice 6, Nr. 3 (2001): 111–16.

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Germain, Ruth. „A 'positive' approach to supporting a pupil with Down syndrome during 'dedicated numeracy time'?“ Down Syndrome Research and Practice 8, Nr. 2 (2002): 53–58.

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Gallaher, Kelly, Christina van Kraayenoord, Anne Jobling und Karen Moni. „Reading with Abby: A case study of individual tutoring with a young adult with Down syndrome“. Down Syndrome Research and Practice 8, Nr. 2 (2002): 59–66.

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Rondal, Jean, M. Elbouz, M. Ylieff und L. Docquier. „Françoise, a fifteen year follow up“. Down Syndrome Research and Practice 8, Nr. 3 (2002): 89–99.

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Feeley, Kathleen, und Emily Jones. „Teaching spontaneous responses to a young child with Down syndrome“. Down Syndrome Research and Practice 12, Nr. 2 (2008): 148–52.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Case studies|":


Gustafsson, Johanna. „Single case studies vs. multiple case studies: A comparative study“. Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2017.

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Shapiro, Ellen Sara. „The role of family environment in an ecological study of preschool children attending family day care“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988.

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This thesis is an exploratory ecological study of the role of the family environment as it relates to a number of variables under investigation in the Vancouver Day Care Research Project's extensive contextual study of children enrolled in family day care settings. These variables include child language scores, indices of socio-economic status, conditions of maternal employment and attitudes related to maternal employment, other measures of the home environment, and parental attitudes to childrearing. In addition, the family environments of the family day care caregivers were examined in relation to the quality of care provided. The Moos Family Environment Scale (1986) was administered to parents and caregivers enrolled in the study. Scores from its ten subscales were correlated with measures of the variables of interest and then tested for significance. Data was then analyzed for important trends, patterns and highlights. Results showed that exposure of family members to stimulating ideas and activities is facilitative of child language skills, while an emphasis on achievement seems to have a negative effect. Families from higher socio-economic status homes seemed to be more likely to provide these opportunities for their children, particularly if they are well-educated. Findings also indicate that mothers who are satisfied with their employment tend to provide more positive family environments for their children than those who are working reluctantly. Mothers who worked part-time also appeared to provide better family environments than did those who experienced the increased stress of full-time employment. Adult-centered parenting values which stressed obedience were associated with family environments which were less facilitative of child cognitive development, whereas homes with child-centered parenting values appeared to be more positive. Family day care caregivers who provided superior childcare were found to be more organized in their own families, more supportive of one another, and more able to allow their family members to function independently than were other caregivers. There was considerable overlap in the results for each variable of interest; many similar features were found in the environments which were considered optimal in terms of language development, socio-economic factors, conditions of maternal employment, attitudes to childrearing, and high quality care for children. The study results strongly support the importance of exposure to a wide range of intellectual and cultural stimuli, participation in activities outside the home, expression of feelings amongst family members, and well-organized family functioning in the creation of optimal family environments; an emphasis on achievement, and the use of rigid rules and doctrine were found to be deleterious to the creation of positive home environments.
Education, Faculty of
Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), Department of

Heslop, Liza. „An ethnography of patient and health care delivery systems : dialectics and (dis)continuity“. Monash University, Faculty of Education, 2001.

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Edwards, Bradley D., Michael Braswell und Larry Miller. „Case Studies in Corrections“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018.

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Case Studies in Corrections invites the reader to analyze hypothetical situations confronted by judges, probation officers, inmates, correctional officers, counselors, clerics, and administrators. Concise but thorough introductions to each section provide background for assessing the scenarios. Thought-provoking questions stimulate reflection about possible courses of action and the potential consequences of choices made. The Sixth Edition encourages an interactive approach—whether rethinking effective punishment, analyzing the role of the community in corrections, or addressing ethical and legal issues. Titles of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Haas-Alpert, The Dilemmas of Corrections: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Fifth Edition (ISBN 9781577663980) and Quinn, Corrections: A Concise Introduction, Second Edition (ISBN 9781577662464).

Wikfeldt, Emma. „Generalising from Case Studies“. Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2016.

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The generalisability of case study findings is heavily criticised in the scientific community. This study attempts to answer to what extent generalisation is possible, through a literature review. Resources were collected by searching in databases and in reference lists. A presentation of arguments from both sides will follow, finding that generalisation is possible to almost the same extent as quantitative research, if done correctly and carefully, with great concern and accuracy.

Öberg, Mikaela. „Case studies as literature“. Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2016.

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Victor, Mofjell. „Case studies about swedish companies“. Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2016.

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The purpose with this paper is to investigate and get deeper understanding of case studies about Swedish companies. I will focus on the way the case studies have been constructed, the purposes of the studies and how well the findings may be implemented to other contexts. I find this interesting because case studies are something that can benefit every company in other to in some way improve and streamline the business. The data used in this paper will be obtained from various case studies within the subject “Swedish companies” and therefore analyzed to draw conclusions. The findings from this study is that every case study is unique, and there is not one single, optimal way to construct a case study. One must take the purpose of the study into consideration and establish the study from this. However, there are common traits between case studies, such as the ways of obtaining data for the studies and the uniqueness of research question. How well the findings of a case study can be generalized to other contexts also depends on the uniqueness of the purpose of the study.

Al-Mazrooa, Nada. „Arabic localisation : key case studies for translation studies“. Thesis, Cardiff University, 2018.

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This thesis investigates the practices of Arabic localisation as it presents a neglected area of localisation research, localising to a developing market. The thesis aims to establish a connection between localisation and Translation Studies, by exploring the ways in which this area can be theorised starting from the approaches developed by Lawrence Venuti (in particular the notions of foreignisation and domestication), and Christiane Nord (translation as interpersonal activity). Creating a theoretical framework which marries the cultural turn and functionalist approaches helps address the dynamics of Arabic localisation on both micro and macro levels. The thesis also aims to provide a holistic view of Arabic localisation, by considering translation processes and outcomes, and by attempting to understand how Arabic localisation is perceived by its target audience. In order to achieve these goals, the thesis presents three case studies devoted, respectively, to the FIFA 15 video game, the Knorr website and the educational platform Blackboard Learn. It follows a mixed method approach to answer about the unique nature of each case study. This includes text analysis which covers each medium’s localisation literature, the Arabic translated content of the selected products and related business articles. In addition, relevant online materials, such as gaming fora and Youtube gaming channels, are analysed to assess the response of the FIFA and Knorr target audience to the translation they receive. Due to the privacy of Blackboard Learn’s content and users, access to a student’s and an instructor’s accounts were sought from an Arabic university, and a questionnaire was developed to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the Arabic users’ response to the platform’s Arabic localisation. The significance of this thesis lies in its methodology and findings. Employing strategies from a range of backgrounds, academic, professional and social, produces a novel methodology for translation research and for addressing the complexity of the discipline of localisation, as well as understanding the effect of its technical and commercial aspects on translation practices and outcomes. By approaching localisation from a Translation Studies perspective, the thesis contributes to both disciplines. The thesis highlights the ways in which localising to a developing market is different from many of the practices discussed in the localisation literature. In addition, the context of Arabic localisation proves to be a fertile ground where Venuti’s theory of foreignisation and domestication can be relocated, and the debate about it acquires new nuances.

Prest, C. B. (Colin B. ). „The institutionalisation of the aged : the importance of visitation, and the role of the specialised visitor“. Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003.

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Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ageing is a fact of life. It often gives rise to unfortunate consequences. Physical infirmities; senile dementia; emotional disturbance. Indeed, the effects of the ageing process can be such as to render a person incapable of performing the ordinary and normal functions of life. In such a case, institutionalisation presents itself as a prospect to enable an aged person to cope with the ordinary day-to-day activities of living. The purpose of institutionalisation is to improve the quality of life of the elderly. In considering the process, a number of important facets need to be borne in mind. Firstly, the process must be seen in relation to the condition of the person being institutionalised. Secondly, the process must be seen as a matter of extraordinary change in the life of the aged person. This implies a detailed explanation and full disclosure of the process envisaged, and, if needs be, appropriate counselling of the person concerned. Thirdly, there must be sympathetic and sensitive assistance given to the aged person in adapting to a new situation. Fourthly, a continuing and intimate interest in, and concern for, the aged person on the part of the family must be accentuated and impressed. This gives rise to the importance of visitation on the part of the family. Its meaning and purpose must be understood. The need for meaningful visitation must be stressed, and the status of a respected member of the family must be emphasised. The aged person must never be cut-off, separated or neglected. Visits must not be a coincidental, haphazard and aimless occurrence. Visitation must always be directed at improving the quality of life of the aged person. The aged person, despite her advanced years and debilitated condition, remains a person with thoughts, feelings, emotions, difficulties and problems. She needs time and attention. The normal or regular pattern of visitation does not, by and large, accomplish these ends. Something more is required. Specialised visitation. This is something different from ordinary, normal, social visitation. It is more intense, more concentrated and more regular. It embodies consistent and continuous contract. It is directed at effectiveness. It is never haphazard or aimless and always has as its objective an improved quality of life for the aged. The specialised visitor and the resident come to know each other well; they come to trust each other, and they come to realise that the object of the visit is more than an exchange of frivolities. Specialised visitation manifests a concern for the aged; it offers them support, stability, certainty and security. This is so because the specialised visitor responds to an inner conviction, an infinite calling, and an earnest urging. It is not a task but a vocation. Many factors contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life of the elderly : three may be mentioned. Institutionalisation, visitation and the role undertaken by the specialised visitor.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Veroudering is 'n gegewe feit wat dikwels tot ongelukkige toestande soos fisiese swakhede, seniliteit en emosionele versteuring lei. Die gevolge van veroudering kan inderdaad 'n persoon verhinder om die alledaagse en normale funksies van lewe uit te voer. In sulke gevalle bied institusionalisering die moontlikheid dat 'n bejaarde persoon wel kan handel met die gewone dag-tot-dag aktiwiteite van die lewe. Die doel van institusionalisering is die verbetering van die kwaliteit van lewe van die bejaarde. In die beskouing van hierdie proses moet 'n aantal fasette in aanmerking geneem word. Eerstens, moet die proses in verhouding tot die toestand waarm die persoon wat geïnstitusionaliseeer word verkeer, gesien word. Tweedens, die proses verteenwoordig 'n buitengewone verandering in die lewe van die bejaarde persoon. Om dit te vergemaklik moet 'n gedetaileerde verduideliking en volle openbaarmaking van die proses wat voorlê aan die persoon gegee word en, indien nodig, toepaslike berading aan die persoon verskaf word. Derdens, die persoon moet simpatieke en sensitiewe bystand in die proses van aanpassing tot die nuwe situasie verleen word. Vierdens,die gesin van die persoon moet baie duidelik onder die indruk gebring word van die belang van voortgesette en intieme belangstelling in die persoon deur hulself Hierdie aspek bring die belangrikheid van besoek deur die gesin na vore. Die betekenis en doel van besoek moet deeglik verstaan word. Die behoefte van betekenisvolle besoek moet benadruk word en die status van die persoon as gerespekteerde lid van die gesin beklemtoon word. Die bejaarde mag nooit afgesny, afgesonder of verwaarloos word nie. Besoeke mag nie toevallig, planloos en doelloos geskied nie. Besoeke moet altyd gerig wees op die verbetering van die kwaliteit van die lewe van die bejaarde. Ten spyte van haar gevorderde jare en afgetakelde toestand bly die bejaarde persoon iemand met eie denke, gevoelens, emosies, moeilikhede en probleme. Sy benodig tyd en aandag. Die gewone of gereelde patroon van besoek bereik oor die algemeen nie hierdie doeleindes nie. Iets meer word vereis, naamlik gespesialiseerde besoek. Dit is duidelik verskillend van die gewone, normale sosiale besoek. Dit is meer intensief, meer gekonsentreerd en meer gereeld. Dit beliggaam bestendige en deurlopende kontak. Dit is gerig op doelbereiking. Dit is nooit planloos of doelloos nie en het altyd as oogmerk om die kwaliteit van lewe van die bejaarde te verbeter. Die gespesialiseerde besoeker en die inwoner leer mekaar goed ken sodat hulle mekaar vertrou, en besef dat die oogmerk van die besoeke meer behels as 'n uitruil van beuselagtighede. Gespesialiseerde besoek druk 'n besorgdheid VIT die bejaarde uit. Dit gee aan hulle ondersteuning, stabiliteit, sekerheid en sekuriteit. Dit is so omdat die gespesialiseerde besoeker vanuit 'n innerlike oortuiging, 'n onbegrensde roeping en 'n ernstige lewensdrang optree. Dit is nie 'n taak nie maar 'n roeping. Baie faktore dra by tot die verhoging van die kwaliteit van lewe van bejaardes. Drie hiervan is institusionalisering, besoek en die rol wat die gespesialiseerde besoeker onderneem.

Melrose, Heather. „How do resource foster parents conceptualize concurrent planning?“ Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=83166.

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In this small qualitative study, the researcher explores how four families involved in resource foster care services conceptualize concurrent planning in the child welfare system. Analysis of the four semi-structured transcribed interviews revealed four dominant themes: hope and optimism that resource foster care could be a rewarding alternative to further infertility treatment; anger and fear of disruption related to birth family visits; identification of the foster child as their own; and uncertainty regarding resource foster care team rules, roles, and responsibilities. Each theme was influenced by an attachment to the child they were fostering and the fear of losing that child.
The findings suggest that resource foster parents do not fully embrace concurrent planning as a philosophy of care that supports and works towards the best interests of children. Practice principles central to concurrent planning were often abandoned as a result of intense identification with adoptive parenthood status.
The researcher has included a number of recommendations with respect to future studies, training needs, and recruitment strategies. The conclusion states that in the best interests of children, resource foster parents must fully embrace the concept of concurrent planning defined within child welfare context and legislation.

Bücher zum Thema "Case studies|":


Colesanti, Giulio, und Laura Lulli, Hrsg. Case Studies. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.

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Tight, Malcolm. Case Studies. 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road, London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2014.

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Wijesinghe, Sampath (Sam), Hrsg. 101 Primary Care Case Studies. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 2020.

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McConnell, Charles R. Case studies in health care supervision. 2. Aufl. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009.

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Weizer, Paul I. Sexual harassment: Cases, case studies, & commentary. New York: P. Lang, 2002.

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Cox, Beverley. Cardiovascular case studies in primary care. Dartford: National Services for Health Improvement, 2010.

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Philip, Oommen. Case studies in health care management. Trivandrum: Institute of Management in Government, 1990.

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Murphy, Peter J., Stephen C. Marriage und Peter J. Davis, Hrsg. Case Studies in Pediatric Critical Care. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

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McConnell, Charles R. Case studies in health care supervision. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers, 1998.

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Limmer, Daniel. BLS case studies in emergency care. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Case studies|":


Stanley, Todd. „Case Studies in Social Studies“. In Case Studies and Case-Based Learning, 135–45. New York: Routledge, 2021.

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Campbell, Margaret L. „Family Care Case Studies“. In Case Studies in Palliative and End-of-Life Care, 257–58. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,, 2013.

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Liss, David. „Critical Care Case Studies“. In Pain Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 393–95. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Kosso, Peter. „Case Studies“. In Observability and Observation in Physical Science, 51–134. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.

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Zarkowska, Ewa, und John Clements. „Case studies“. In Problem Behaviour and People with Severe Learning Disabilities, 271–95. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1994.

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French, Simon. „Case studies“. In Readings in Decision Analysis, 63–138. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1989.

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Eide, Øyvind. „Case Studies“. In Media Boundaries and Conceptual Modelling, 77–113. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

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Baio, Gianluca, Andrea Berardi und Anna Heath. „Case Studies“. In Use R!, 23–57. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Mikdashi, Zuhayr. „Case Studies“. In Progress-Driven Entrepreneurs, Private Equity Finance and Regulatory Issues, 3–55. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.

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Cobelli, Claudio, und Ewart Carson. „Case studies“. In Introduction to Modeling in Physiology and Medicine, 269–308. Elsevier, 2008.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Case studies|":


„Case studies in medical instrument design“. In Proceedings] Case Studies in Medical Instrument Design. IEEE, 1991.

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Nunez-Lopez, Vanessa. „CO2-EOR Case Studies“. In Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Expert Workshop, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage – Enhanced Oil Recovery Meridan, MS February 2015. US DOE, 2015.

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Fernández, Daniel Méndez, und Stefan Wagner. „Case studies in industry“. In the 4th International Workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2016.

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Yamashita, Aiko, und Leon Moonen. „Assembling multiple-case studies“. In the 18th International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2014.

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Ding, Yulin, und Yan Zhang. „System Modification Case Studies“. In 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference - Vol. 2 - (COMPSAC 2007). IEEE, 2007.

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Shariatipour, S., und A. Baroni. „Reservoir Optimisation Case Studies“. In 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017. Netherlands: EAGE Publications BV, 2017.

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Belenkova, Nataliya, Larisa Lutskovskaia und Olga Gorbatenko. „LANGUAGE POLICY: CASE STUDIES“. In 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, 2017.

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Meunier, J. „Land PRM Case Studies“. In EAGE Workshop on Permanent Reservoir Monitoring (PRM) - Using Seismic Data 2011. Netherlands: EAGE Publications BV, 2011.

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Knoll, Franz. „Human Error—Case Studies“. In Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM) and the Sixth International Symposium on Uncertainty, Modeling, and Analysis (ISUMA). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014.

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Turnbull, A. „Eco-design case studies“. In IEE Seminar on Beyond WEEE. Unsustainable Product Design and How to Avoid It. IEE, 2005.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Case studies|":


Gayton, James R. S. Procurement Fraud Case Studies. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juni 2004.

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Killblane, Richard E. Convoy Ambush Case Studies. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Januar 2006.

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Volpe, Guglielmo. Teaching with Case Studies. The Economics Network, September 2002.

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Lusk, W. Low temperature geothermal case studies. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2018.

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Morris, Ed, Peter Feiler und Dennis Smith. Case Studies in Environment Integration. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Dezember 1991.

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Kenney, John J., und Walter Mann. Anna Package Specification: Case Studies. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Oktober 1991.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Tighe, Carla E., James M. Jondrow, John D. Keenan, Alan J. Marcus und Carol S. Moore. Case Studies in DoD Outsourcing. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Januar 1997.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Rosati, James, und Timothy Welp. Case Studies: Monitoring Pipeline Dredges. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juli 1999.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Mazzella, Andrew J., Delorey Jr., Larson Dennis E., Dickson Kevin P. und Jr Peter. Case Studies in Data Analysis. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juni 1989.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Sinai, Joshua, Peter Blood, Serge Demidenko, Ramon Miro und Eric Solsten. United Nations Peace Operations - Case Studies. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juni 1995.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

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